Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorney
Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorney

Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorney

A Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorney can help you determine all damages for which you are eligible to seek financial recovery.

Busy intersections are notorious for traffic collisions. The congested traffic along with drivers traveling in so many different directions creates the potential for serious accidents.

If you sustained injuries in an intersection accident that’s left you with medical bills, missed work while you recover, and other losses, you may be entitled to seek compensation. Call our Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorneys today. We understand how difficult these times are and will fight on your behalf to win you compensation for your damages and all the trauma you experienced due to the accident. Your initial consultation is risk-free and no obligation, so you have nothing to lose by calling us to find out about your legal rights.

Consequences of Intersection Accidents in Colorado Springs

Every year, over 10,000 traffic fatalities occur at dangerous intersections. That translates to nearly one-third of all traffic deaths that occur in the entire country. Furthermore, about half of all car accident injuries occur in intersection collisions.

Most intersection accidents are preventable and caused by driver distraction or negligence. When a negligent driver fails to follow traffic rules or is texting while driving and causes an intersection accident, the injury victim can hold them accountable. In most cases, as long as the injured victim can prove they caused their injuries, they have a right to seek compensation for damages. To find out if you are eligible to seek damages and get more information on how you secure your right to compensation, contact our Experienced Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorneys.

Where Are the Most Problematic Intersections in Colorado Springs?

Intersections are particularly dangerous due to the potential for a high-speed vehicle to crash with a loser or stopped vehicle. The danger for pedestrians and bicyclists using the crosswalks getting hit is also higher.

Drivers are more likely to get into rear-end accidents at intersections due to the stop lights. And the front vehicles can risk getting pushed into the intersection, posing a danger to cross traffic.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to a Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorney if you are injured because of a careless driver. Most intersection accidents are a result of driver negligence.

Here are some of the most dangerous intersections in Colorado Springs with high accident rates:

  • Stetson Hills Boulevard and North Powers Boulevard
  • South Academy Boulevard and East Fountain Boulevard
  • South Academy Boulevard and Airport Road (the third most crash-prone intersection in the city)
  • North Academy Boulevard and Austin Bluffs Parkway
  • North Academy Boulevard and East Platte Avenue

Why Are Some Intersections in El Paso County More Dangerous Than Others?

Sometimes a road is designed poorly when the city planners make intersections. They often don’t consider pedestrian or bicyclist safety, and design roadways with motor vehicles in mind. Some intersections may also have inadequate signage to efficiently direct or alert traffic.

Other factors that can make some intersections more dangerous than others include:

  • Confusing layouts, creating driver confusion
  • Malfunctioning traffic lights and signals
  • Poor roadway design

Examples of Driver Negligence That Cause Intersection Accidents

While poor design can be a factor that makes some intersections more hazardous, the leading cause of intersection accidents is driver negligence.

Driver Inattention

Driving requires staying attentive of the surroundings at all times to safely operate the vehicle. It only takes one second of inattentiveness to cause a disastrous collision, especially at an intersection.

Poor Judgment Calls

Intersections require drivers to make judgment calls and use defensive driving skills. It’s important to be able to properly judge what other drivers will do to avoid collisions. For example, a driver who is unsure if they have the right of way or not might keep driving rather than slowing down or stopping. Another example is when a driver speeds up when the light turns yellow, trying to beat the red light and miscalculating how much time they have. Making a seemingly minor poor judgment call at an intersection can cause a major collision.

Making Turns With an Obstructed View

Drivers making left turns at intersections are notorious for causing accidents. Ifa driver is turning into a multilane roadway, they may have an obstructed view of oncoming vehicles. This can be dangerous for everyone, including those who are coming from the opposite direction.

Illegal Driving Maneuvers

From speeding to failing to yield to the right of way, many drivers simply disregard traffic laws at intersections. This is a major contributing issue to intersection collisions.

Distracted Driving

A driving distraction is anything that diverts the motor vehicle operator’s attention from the road. When driver’s don’t pay attention, they put everyone at risk, and the results at an intersection can be severe.

The most common distraction is cell phone use while driving. Whether it’s to use GPS navigation, watch a video, read a text, or simply change the song, using a phone while driving is extremely dangerous. Other types of driving distractions include eating, talking to passengers, or putting on makeup while driving.

Holding the Negligent Party Accountable for Your Intersection Accident Injuries in Colorado Springs

Getting injured by a negligent driver is frustrating enough, but having to deal with dismissive or uncooperative insurance companies is a whole new level of stress. The last thing you probably want while you’re trying to recover is battling with the insurance companies. This is why working with a Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorney can be highly beneficial. doing will allow you to focus on healing while your Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorney handles communications with the insurance companies.

A Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorney can also help you determine all damages for which you are eligible to seek financial recovery. We may be able to advocate for you in a Colorado Springs personal injury claim and help you get compensation for the following damages:

  • Medical expenses (including future treatment for any accident-related injuries)
  • Lost income due to missed work while injured
  • Reduced earning potential
  • Disability
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Loss of enjoyment in life
  • Loss of consortium
  • And more

Contact an Experienced Colorado Springs Intersection Accident Attorney

No one deserves to suffer in silence after getting injured by a negligent driver. All drivers have a duty to drive safely and avoid harming others. When they fail to uphold their duty of care, they should be held accountable, and you deserve to seek financial recovery for everything you’ve been through.

Call us today for a free initial consultation.

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