Can You Get a Rental Car After a Car Accident in Colorado Springs

Can You Get a Rental Car After a Car Accident in Colorado Springs

Car accidents are an unfortunate daily occurrence, there are over 120,000 collisions reported to the Colorado Department of Transportation every year, not all are serious enough to cause personal injury or extensive vehicle damage preventing further use, but all are disruptive to your life. Regardless of the situation It’s unlikely your first concern afterwards will […]

The Funny Thing About Lawyers – Picking a Law Firm

The Funny Thing About Lawyers - Permission to Address the Court

Lawyers love to argue, no one will deny that, and one argument that wouldn’t sustain any objections is that it’s probably the occupation that people make the most jokes about. Everyone loves to hate lawyers, but also without objection everyone loves to laugh. It’s quite possible that there are as many lawyers as there are […]

Multi-Car Crashes in Colorado Springs: Who Is at Fault?

Multi-Car Crashes in Colorado Springs: Who Is at Fault?

A car crash occurs in the USA approximately every six minutes. Many car crashes are simple: one car rear-ends another while texting or t-bones a vehicle when running a red light. In these cases, the guilty party is usually obvious. But what about when more than one vehicle is involved? In a multi-car crash in […]

The Reasons to Hire an Ethical Colorado Springs Personal Injury Lawyer

The Reasons to Hire an Ethical Colorado Springs Personal Injury Lawyer

There is a myth that a shady personal injury lawyer can get you the most money. That is absolutely not true. In fact, the shadier the lawyer, the less money that you are going to get. Why? Because a shady lawyer is going to try to put more of your money in his/her pocket. That […]

What Percentage Do Personal Injury Lawyers Take in Colorado Springs?

What Percentage Do Personal Injury Lawyers Take in Colorado Springs?

We specialize in injury claims in Colorado Springs. We handle cases like car and auto accidents, Uber and Lyft accidents, pedestrian accidents like when walking or jogging, and e-scooter and e-bike, to name a few. The way that we charge is straight forward. Everything is charged on a percentage basis out of what we recover […]

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