[03-22-24] 1 Injured in Crash in Northeast Colorado Springs

[03-22-24] 1 Injured in Crash in Northeast Colorado Springs

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) – One person was transported to the hospital after two vehicles t-boned at a busy intersection Thursday morning. Police say the impact caused one of the vehicles to flip on its side. The collision happened at North Carefree and Inspiration Drive. At last report from police at 8:20 a.m., westbound Carefree […]

Can Bad Weather Affect Fault in a Colorado Springs Auto Accident?

Can Bad Weather Affect Fault in a Colorado Springs Auto Accident?

In the aftermath of a weather-related auto accident, determining fault can be as unpredictable as Colorado’s weather itself. How does bad weather impact fault in Colorado Springs car accidents? Join us as we navigate through the legal landscape of weather-related collisions and discover if weather conditions hold any sway over fault in these tumultuous moments […]